Help Us Track Moose Nevada’s Populations!

Did you know that Nevada has a growing population of moose! Biologists estimate more than 100 moose live in Nevada, all in the northwest corner of the state in Humboldt and Elko counties.

Originally, moose likely migrated from Southern Idaho and Western Utah, where populations are swelling. But now, the current Nevada moose population is growing and expanding within the state borders. NDOW has conducted multiple collaring projects, in which biologists have captured, collared, and released moose to learn more about their movement. Biologist have now collared 12 moose, eight females and four males. Collar data shows that while a few collared moose move in and out of Idaho between winter and summer, most of them are year-long residents. Additionally, some of our collared females have birthed twins year after year, and the calf survival rate is high, which is a good sign for our moose numbers. In fact, they’re exceeding our expectations!

We’d like to continue to learn more about this species in the state. If you live in or travel to eastern Nevada, and spot a moose, you can help our efforts to learn more about them, by reporting your sightings here or by using the QR code below!

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