NDOW Releases Newest State Wildlife Action Plan

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW), Biodiversity Division, proudly announces the final 2022 iteration of the Nevada State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP), a forward-facing blueprint, guiding not only NDOW but also engaging all partners and concerned citizens in a collective, proactive effort to conserve the state’s native wildlife and habitats over the next decade.

The SWAP is intended to be an all-inclusive, statewide roadmap for protecting 367 iconic species, as well as, more obscure species, all of which have been identified as Species of Greatest Conservation Need along with 20 critical habitat types. Collectively, this plan represents the most important wildlife and habitats we must protect over the next 10 years, to ensure those species and landscapes are here for future generations. States are required to have these plans to be eligible for State Wildlife Grants, the major funding source that implements the plan. Plans are developed in coordination with other state and federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, universities, and the public.

“While NDOW is the lead agency for the Nevada State Wildlife Action Plan, the SWAP is not a single-agency strategy. Ultimately, success in preserving and managing Nevada’s fish, wildlife, and habitats depends on many organizations working together across borders and jurisdictions,” said Jennifer Newmark, Wildlife Diversity Division Administrator. “This plan is our vision of what conservation will be over the next decade.  All wildlife matter and this plan represents our best opportunity to ensure species and their habitats are healthy and stable for generations to come.”

The last Nevada Wildlife Action Plan was submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and approved on March 1, 2013. For almost two years, NDOW staff, as well as an external team of professionals and organizations, systematically reviewed and revised the 2012 SWAP. Major components of this comprehensive revision incorporate evaluating over 600 species as potential Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and increasing holistic efforts to connect individuals to nature through nature tourism, volunteer research, and education. The SWAP was created in true partnership between more than 15 federal, state, tribal, and non-governmental entities with direct input from over 80 contributors and will guide the collective conservation actions for the next 10 years.

Learn more and view the Nevada SWAP here.

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