NDOW Seeks Public Comment for Revised Language Access Plan

The purpose of the NDOW Language Access Plan (LAP) is to establish an effective plan and protocol for Nevada Department of Wildlife personnel to follow when providing services to, or interacting with, individuals who have limited English proficiency (LEP). In 2022, NDOW established its first-ever LAP as per Senate Bill 318 and is currently in the process of revising its current plan. As part of the revision process NDOW invites any member of the public to provide a public comment in relation to the plan by emailing us as ndowinfo@ndow.org. To review the revised plan simply click the link above.

It is NDOW’s mission to protect, conserve, manage and restore wildlife and its habitat for the aesthetic, scientific, educational, recreational, and economic benefits to the citizens of Nevada and the United States, and to promote the safety of persons using vessels on the waters of Nevada. To fulfill our mission, it is a priority for the Department to be able to communicate and share information effectively with all of those we serve. This plan and its implementation will help us fulfill our mission and better serve our public. Public comments received during the review process will used to help the Department improve the current plan to best reflect the needs of the LEP individuals NDOW serves.

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