Volunteer Project – Amargosa Valley BioBlitz

Apr 20 - Apr 23

Join biologists, botanists, and naturalists as they survey land managed by the Bureau of Land Management in one of the most biodiverse valleys in Nevada. The boundary of the BioBlitz will be limited to just BLM land managed by the Pahrump Field Office, within the Amargosa Valley Drainage. We will be using the iNaturalist app to document our findings. Join the project here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2023-amargosa-valley-bioblitz

If you would like to participate in specific surveys, please respond to Corey Lange (clange@blm.gov) and I will sign you up as a participant for whatever days you are interested. Some surveys will only be able to handle a small number of people so spots will be first-come-first-serve. Please see the attached itinerary for more information on those surveys, but those surveys will include:

-Small mammal surveys at Big Dune and Lava Dune: 6 people total

-Plant group surveys around Ash Meadows, White-margined Penstemon, and other areas: no cap on the number of people

-Fish surveys of Ash Meadows ACEC: 6 people total

-Fringe-toed Lizard surveys at Big Dune: no cap on the number of people

-Bee Bowl Trapping: 5 people total

-Bat Acoustic and Mist-netting: 6 people total

-Giuliani’s Dune Scarab at Big Dune: no cap on the number of people

-Amphibian surveys of Ash Meadows ACEC: 6 people total

-Sheet and black-lighting for insects: total dependent on locations

-Scorpion black-lighting: 3 total but if others bring their own black lights then more can join.

-Night driving roads for reptiles: no cap on the number of people

You are more than welcome to join us in camping for the duration of the BioBlitz. The Group Camp Area is located at the Amargosa Valley Airstrip, which is not used for planes anymore and has a large area for people to spread out if they wish. You can find the location on Google Maps. Two gas stations are located within a mile of the camping area and the area has cell service. If you do not wish to camp, there may be hotel rooms available in Beatty, Pahrump, or at Longstreet Inn Casino.

Please complete the attached Volunteer Service Agreement — Natural & Cultural Resources (attached) for the Bureau of Land Management and sign up for the event here. Please bring your completed form upon check-in for the BioBlitz. Paper copies will be available.

Reach out to Michelle Lopez for more information at michelle.lopez@ndow.org or (702) 539-4070.

Support Material

BLM Volunteer Service Agreement

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