Northern Leopard Frog

The Northern Leopard Frog is a slender, medium-sized frog with a long, pointy nose. They can have either a green morph body color or a brown morph body color. Both green and brown morph have dark brown to black spots across the back and legs. There is often a lighter line running along the sides of the body. The belly is white or cream and may have light speckling.
Lithobates pipiens
1-9 Years
  • Priority Species
  • State Protected
Least Concern
  1. Washoe
  2. Humboldt
  3. Pershing
  4. Churchill
  5. Mineral
  6. Lyon
  7. Douglas
  8. Carson City
  9. Storey
  1. Elko
  2. Lander
  3. Eureka
  4. White Pine
  1. Esmeralda
  2. Nye
  3. Lincoln
  4. Clark

Habitat & Range

The Northern Leopard Frog is found in many different types of habitats, but they all need to include access to a permanent source of water. They can be found in high elevations. They use springs, streams, marshes, ponds, reservoirs, and lakes for breeding and grasslands, uplands, and shrublands when not breeding.

  • Lakes and reservoirs
  • Marsh
  • Springs and springbrooks


  • Habitat Degradation
  • Habitat Loss
  • Water Diversion

Natural History

A Northern Leopard Frog will take cover underwater in damp niches or in caves when inactive. Eggs and tadpoles typically develop in shallow, still, permanent water; generally in areas well exposed to sunlight. Eggs are attached to vegetation just below the surface of the water. The females can lay anywhere between 300 and 6000 eggs.
Northern Leopard Frogs eat many different types of invertebrates including snails, earthworms, spiders, beetles, isopods, and ants. Large adults will also consume smaller frogs, and sometimes birds and snakes. To catch their prey, they will pursue them by stalking, then they’ll use its powerful legs to leap and its sticky tongue to subdue their next meal.
Adults of these frogs are preyed upon by many different animals including fish, raccoons, many species of birds, otters, other frogs, and turtles. They use their camouflage to help them avoid being detected by potential predators. If they are pursued, they will try and make a quick escape by using their strong legs.

Fun Facts

As in most frogs and toads, the females are typically larger than the males. This frog will sometimes let out a loud and alarming 'scream' when it's caught by humans or when it’s startled.