Mojave Green Rattlesnake

The Mojave Green Rattlesnake is a large venomous snake with green to olive green scales with a brown or tan diamond pattern that runs down its back. The pattern can look somewhat like the Western Diamondback except the Mojave Green’s diamonds are more round in appearance and the stripes near the tail on a Mojave Green Rattlesnake have wider white strips than black stripes.
Crotalus scutulatus
10-20 Years
  • Unprotected
Least Concern
  1. Washoe
  2. Humboldt
  3. Pershing
  4. Churchill
  5. Mineral
  6. Lyon
  7. Douglas
  8. Carson City
  9. Storey
  1. Elko
  2. Lander
  3. Eureka
  4. White Pine
  1. Esmeralda
  2. Nye
  3. Lincoln
  4. Clark

Habitat & Range

These desert dwelling snakes prefer areas with little vegetation. In Nevada, they are found in the southern part of the state. They utilize pre-existing rodent burrows to ride out the winter months.

  • Desert Washes
  • Grasslands
  • Mojave desert


  • Habitat Loss

Natural History

The Mojave Green Rattlesnake is primarily nocturnal and is more inactive during the hottest parts of the day. It is not impossible to run into one during the day, however. They are venomous and considered dangerous, although if left alone they and not disturbed they are likely to make their way away from you. The Mojave Green Rattlesnake’s venom can be either hemotoxic (toxins that attack the blood) or neurotoxic (toxins that target the nervous system) making treatment challenging.
This rattlesnake, like other rattlesnakes, is an ambush predator. They lie in wait until their prey crosses their path, then they strike with their deadly venom and consume their prey whole. Mojave Green Rattlesnakes are not picky when it comes to prey. They will consume small mammals, lizards, other snakes, and sometimes things as big as a rabbit.

Fun Facts

All of the rattlesnakes found in Nevada are ovoviviparous which means their eggs develop and hatch internally until the mother gives birth to the fully developed young snakes. CroFab is the antivenin used for most rattlesnake bites. It uses the venom from Mojave Green Rattlesnakes that are neurotoxic, and two other species of rattlesnakes with venom that is hemotoxic, so it is capable of neutralizing venom from both types of venom from a Mojave Green Rattlesnake.